Livingroom Refresh

I used to write a blog called Cute, Smart and Organized that was aimed at reminding you just how amazing you already are. The following is a post from that blog.

Spring is calling!  Do yourself a favor, and breathe a breath of fresh air into your home this week with a few quick, easy additions.  You'll feel instantly springier...I promise!  Here are a few ideas to get you started...


livingroom refreshThrows Toss a colorful throw over the couch to bring in a splash of fresh color and keep you cozy while we're still waiting for warmer weather.  Shown:  1) Pier One, 2) West Elm,  3) Pier One

Pillows   I love to add accent pillows in seasonal shades and patterns to change the look of the living room. Shown:  1)onekingslane and Crate and Barrel  all others,Etsy

Decor   Keep an eye out for one or two new decorative objects each season to keep your look current, and toss one or two that have seen better days!  My top stops for great pieces under $20?  Marshalls, T.J. Maxx and Homegoods.  Shown:       1) onekingslane2) okadirect  3) candledelirium 

I can't wait to see what you came up with!  Have fun,
